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Barnette, Michael. "Zoner" In Wired Hard 3: Erotica for a Gay Universe, Edited by Tan, Cecilia(b. 1967). Cambridge, MA: Circlet Press, 2002.


Tan, Cecilia(b. 1967). The Velderet. Cambridge, MA: Circlet Press, 2001.


Del Carlo, Eric. "To Love and Riot" In Sextopia, Edited by Tan, Cecilia(b. 1967). Cambridge, MA: Circlet Press, 2001.


Morlan, A. R.. "Stone, Still" In Sextopia: Stories of Sex and Society, Edited by Tan, Cecilia(b. 1967). Cambridge, MA: Circlet Press, 1996.


Eckhart, Tammy Jo. "One Day in the Life of the Landfords" In S/M Futures: Erotica On the Edge, Edited by Tan, Cecilia(b. 1967). Boston, MA: Circlet Press, 1995.


Tan, Cecilia(b. 1967). "In Silver A" In Absolute Magnitude. Vol. no. 13 ., 2000.


Christian, M.. "The Hope of Cinnamon" In Sextopia, Edited by Tan, Cecilia(b. 1967). Cambridge, MA: Circlet Press, 2001.
Sheppard, Simon. "Holy Terror" In Wired Hard 3: Erotica for a Gay Universe, Edited by Tan, Cecilia(b. 1967). Cambridge, MA: Circlet Press, 2002.


Gelfand, Alayne. "The Garden" In Worlds of Women: Sapphic Science Fiction Erotica, Edited by Tan, Cecilia(b. 1967). Boston, MA: Circlet Press, 1993.


Kaldera, Raven(b. 1966). “Flying Dreams” In The New Worlds of Women, Edited by Tan, Cecilia(b. 1967). Vol. Exp. ed. Boston, MA: Circlet Press, 1996.


Charles, Renée M.. "The Delectation Debates" In Sextopia, Edited by Tan, Cecilia(b. 1967). Cambridge, MA: Circlet Press, 2001.


Berman, Steve(b. 1949). "Caught By Skin" In Sex in the System: Stories of Erotic Futures, Technological Stimulation, and the Sensual Life of Machines, Edited by Tan, Cecilia(b. 1967). New York: Thunder's Mouth Press, 2006.


Bonhhoff, Maya Kaathryn(b. 1954). "As the Angels in Heaven" In Sexcrime: Tales of Underground Love and Subversive Erotica, Edited by Tan, Cecilia(b. 1967). Cambridge, MA: Circlet Press, 2000.