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“Brownsville Station” In Drowned Worlds: Tales from the Anthropocene and Beyond. Oxford, Eng.: Solaris, 2016.
“Bulletproof Tattoos” In If This Goes On, Edited by Rambo, Cat[herine Tigerlily](b. 1963). Yardley, PA: Parvus Press, 2019.
"The Burn" In On Spec: The Canadian Magazine of the Fantastic. Vol. 8.3 ., 1996.
By Force of Patriots. Np: White Feather Press, 2012.
By Light Alone. London: Gollancz, 2011.
By the People. [Bloomington, IN]: Xlibris, 2007.
By the People. [Bloomington, IN]: Xlibris, 2007.
The Byrdwhistle Option. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1982.
Calexit: The Anthology, Edited by Curtis, J. L.. Np: JLC&A, 2017.
Califia's Daughters. New York: Bantam Books, 2004.
California 2020. Np: Liver Shot Press, 2017.
“Call and Answer” In If This Goes On, Edited by Rambo, Cat[herine Tigerlily](b. 1963). Yardley, PA: Parvus Press, 2019.
“The Capitalist Party” In AnarchoSF: Science Fiction and the Stateless Society [Cover adds Volume 1], Edited by Rich, Dana. Victor, IA: Obsolete Press, 2014.
“The Capitalist Party” In AnarchoSF: Science Fiction and the Stateless Society [Cover adds Volume 1], Edited by Rich, Dana. Victor, IA: Obsolete Press, 2014.
“The Care Home” In Dark Matter Magazine. Vol. no. 12., 2022.
"Carrying Capacity" In Lend the Eye a Terrible Aspect, Edited by Rhoads, Loren and Jones, Mason. San Franisco, CA: Automatism Press, 1994.
Carve the Mark. New York: Katherine Tegen Books/HarperCollins, 2017.
"Cascadia" In Infinite Dimensions: Crossroads . New York: JennJett Media, 2017.
Cash Is King. London: Henry J. Drane, 1901.
"Cast Out" In Eat the Sky, Drink the Ocean, Edited by Murray, Kirsty(b. 1960), Dhar, Payal and Roy, Anita. New Delhi, India: Young Zubaan, 2014.
“Catcher in the Sky” In Gotta Wear Eclipse Glasses. Third Flatiron Anthologies Volume 9, Book 28 (Summer 2020), Edited by Rew, Juliana. Vol. Volume 9, Book 28. [Boulder, CO/Ayr, Scotland]: Third Flatiron Publishing, 2020.
Chains of Freedom (The first book of the Chains Trilogy). Atlanta, GA: Meisha Merlin Publishing, 2001.
“Champions of Water War” In Glitter + Ashes: Queer Tales of a World that Wouldn’t Die, Edited by Ring, Dave. [Washington, DC]: Neon Hemlock Press, 2020.
Chaos in Lagrangia, Edited by Ing, Dean(1931-2020). New York: Tor, 1984.
“Charlottesville: A Fictional Account” In The Effects of Nuclear War. Washington, DC: Office of Technological Assessment, Congress of the United States, 1979.