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Moderan. New York: Avon Books, 1971.
“In the Complaints Service” In Fantastic Science Fiction Stories. Vol. 9.2., 1960.
"Breakout in Ecol 2." In Nova, Edited by Harrison, Harry [Max](1925-2012). Vol. 3. New York: Walker, 1973.
"In the Time of Disposal of Infants" In Amazing Stories. Vol. 42.6 ., 1969.
“They Have All One Breath” In Asimov's Science Fiction. Vol. 40.12 (491) ., 2015.
A Thousand Years Hence or Startling Events in the Year A.D. 3000. A Trip to Mars. Incidents by the Way. Portland, OR: Author, 1903.
“Gray Wings” In Asimov’s Science Fiction . Vol. 37.4 & 5 (447 & 448) ., 2013.
["E-Mails from the Future"] In Diggers & Dreamers: The Guide to Communal Living 2008/2009, Edited by Bunker, Sarah, Coates, Chris and How, Jonathan. London: Diggers and Dreamers Publications+, 2007.
The Pilgrim's Progress From This World, to That which is to come: Delivered under the Similitude of a Dream Wherein is Discovered, The Manner of his setting out, His Dangerous Journey; And safe Arrival at the Desired Countrey. London: Nath. Ponder, 1678.
"Fancy" In Speculative Fiction for Dreamers: A Latinx Anthology, Edited by Hernandez, Alex, Goodwin, Matthew David and García, Sarah Rafael. Columbus: Mad Creek Books/Ohio State University Press, 2021.
The Children’s Country. New York: William Morrow & Co. , 1929.
The End of This Day's Business. New York: Feminist Press of the City University of New York, 1989.
The Rebel Passion. London: Thornton Butterworth, 1929.
The Brazen Rule. Salt Lake City, UT: Northwest Publishing, 1995.
The Baby and Fly Pie. London: Anderson Press, 1993.
Anti-Zota. London: Robert Hale, 1973.
Bloodsong#. London: Andersen Press, 2005.
Bloodtide. London: Andersen Press, 1999.
"Dark Coffee, Bright Light and the Paradoxes of Omnipotence" In People of the Book ([In Hebrew]): A Decade of Jewish Science Fiction and Fantasy, Edited by Swirsky, Rachel(b. 1962) and Wallace, Sean. [Holicong, PA]: Prime Books, 2009.
“Mum’s Group” In Futuristica Volume 1, Edited by Hoster, Chester W. and Stauber, Katy(b. 1976). Green Cove Springs, FL: Metasagas Press, 2016.
Pursuit Through Time: A Modern Novel of Science and Imagination. London: Ward, Lock, 1956.
“Towards Helhaven: Three Stages of a Vision” In The Sewanee Review . Vol. 79.1., 1971.
“Replanting the Garden” In Little Blue Marble ., 2021.
Deep Freeze. London: Hamilton, 1955.