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Cole, Charles. Visitors from Mars; A Narrative. Portland, OR: Ptd. by Beattie & Hofmann, 1901.
Jackel, Pastor Wallace E.. Vistas of Coming Glory: A Defence of the Pre-millenial and Futurist Faith. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: City Service Press, 1950.
McLeod, Ray. Vital Star. New York: Vantage, 1994.
Weinberg, Bill. "¡Viva Loisaida Libre!" In Avant Gardening: Ecological Struggle in The City & The World, Edited by Wilson, Peter Lamborn and Weinberg, Bill. Brooklyn, NY: Autonomedia, 1999.
Balwit, Avital. “Vladivostok” In Multispecies Cities: Solarpunk Urban Futures, Edited by Rupprecht, Christoph, Cleland, Deborah, Tamura, Norie, Chaudhuri, Rajat and Ulibarri, Sarena. Albuquerque, NM: World Weaver Press, 2021.
[Pratt], [Inga Marie Stephens](1906-70), and Pratt, [Murray] Fletcher(1897-1956). "A Voice Across The Years" In Amazing Stories Quarterly (Dunnellen, NJ). Vol. 5.1 ., 1932.
L[ach]-S[zyrma], W[ladislaw] S[omerville](1841-1915). A Voice From Another World. Oxford, Eng.: James Parker, 1874.
Boyd, Hannah Villiers. A Voice from Australia; or An Inquiry into the Probability of New Holland Being Connected with the Prophecies Relating to the New Jerusalem and the Spiritual Temple. Sydney, NSW, Australia: Ptd. by Robert Barr, 1851.
Broomhead, Reginald. A Voice from Mars; Adventure and Romance. London: Arthur H. Stockwell, 1923.
Morris, Gouverneur [IV](1876-1953). The Voice in the Rice. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1910.
Davidson, Cesi. “Voice Lessons: Wishes to the Outside” In Articulation: Short Plays to Nourish the Mind & Soul. Seattle, WA: Aqueduct Press, 2019.
Szilard, Leo(1898-1964). "The Voice of the Dolphins" In The Voice of the Dolphins and Other Stores. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1961.
Killough, [Karen] Lee(b. 1942). A Voice Out of Ramah. New York: Ballantine Books, 1979.
[Fayette], [John B.](1850?-1927). Voices from Many Hill Tops, Echoes from Many Valleys, or the Experiences of Spirits Eon and Eona, In Earth Life and Spirit Spheres, In Ages Past, In the Long, Long Ago, And their Many Incarnations in Earth Life, And On Other Worlds, Given Through the Sun Angels' Order of Light. Springfield, MA: Press Springfield Printing Company, 1886.
MacLennan, [John] Hugh(1907-90). Voices in Time. Don Mills, ON, Canada: Macmillan of Canada, 1980.
Feintuch, David(1944-2006). Voices of Hope. New York: Warner Books, 1996.
Mason, Zachery(b. 1990). Void Star. New York: Farrar Straus & Giroux, 2017.
Winship, Glen B[rian](1887-1966). Volonor. New York: Thomas Seltzer, 1925.
Adlard, Mark [Peter Marcus}(b. 1932). Volteface. Science Fiction. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1972.
Rowe, Christopher(b. 1969). "The Voluntary State" In SciFiction., 2004.
Napper, T. R.. “The Volunteer” In Amok: An Anthology of Asia-Pacific Speculative Fiction, Edited by Malcolm, Dominica. Np: Solarwyrm Press, 2014.
Bond, Larry, and [Larkin], [Patrick]. Vortex. New York: Warner Books, 1991.
Atkinson, Percy. "Votes for Men" In All Story Cavalier Weekly. Vol. 34.3 ., 1914.
Cholmondeley, Mary(1859-1925). "Votes for Men: A Dialogue" In Cornhill Magazine. Vol. ns 27 ., 1909.
Dalcher, Christina [Villafãna]. Vox. New York: Berkley, 2018.
