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[Cobbe], [Frances Power](1822-1904). The Age of Science; A Newspaper of the Twentieth Century. London: Ward, Lock, and Tyler, 1877.
Julian, Harry [pseud?]. Aliunde; or Love Ventures. New York: Charles P. Somerby, 1877.
Spectator, A. [pseud.]. The Commune in 1880. Downfall of a Republic. . New York: The American News Co. , 1877.
E., F. M. Diagram of Coming Events, and the Millennium. Auckland, New Zealand: Ptd. by John Henry Field, 1877.
Clarke, Marcus Andrew Hislop(1846-81). The Future Australian Race. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: A.H. Massina and Co, 1877.
[Smilie], [Elton Romeo](1818-89). The Manatitlans; or a Record of Recent Scientific Explorations in the Andean La Plata, S.A.. Cambridge, MA: Ptd. at the Riverside Press, 1877.
Deakin, Alfred(1856-1919). A New Pilgrim's Progress Purported to be Given By John Bunyan, Through an Impressional Medium. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: W.H. Terry, 1877.
Mallock, W[illiam] [Hurrell](1849-1923). The New Republic; or, Culture, Faith and Philosophy in an English Country House. Vol. 2 vols. London: Chatto and Windus, 1877.
[Drane(Mother Francis Raphael, O.S.D.)], [Augusta Theodosia](1823-94).. "The New Utopia" In Irish Monthly . Vol. 5., 1877.
Masquerier, Lewis(b. 1802). Sociology; or, The Reconstruction of Society, Government, and Property, Upon the Principles of the Equality, the Perpetuity, and the Individuality of the Private Ownership of Life, Person, Government, Homestead and the Whole Product of Labor, by Organizing All Nations into Townships of Self-Governing Homestead Democracies--Self-Employed in Farming and Mechanism, Giving All the Liberty and Happiness to be Found on Earth. New York: The Author, 1877.
What May Happen in the Next 90 Days. The Disruption of the United States Or the Origin of the Second Civil War. New York: Np, 1877.


My Great Grandson, [pseud.]. 1975; A Tradition. London: Edward West, and Simpkin, Marshall, 1876.
W[atson], H[enry] C[rocker] M[arrriott](1835-1901). Adventures in New Guinea: The Narrative of Louis Trégance, A French Sailor: Nine Years in Captivity Among the Orangwöks, a Tribe in the Interior of New Guinea, Edited by Crocker,, Henry ed. [pseud.]. London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1876.
Stites, Edgar P.(1836-1921), and Sweney, John R.(1837-99). "Beulah Land"., 1876.
[Davis], [Ellis James](1850-1905). Coralia; A Plaint of Futurity. London: Samuel Tinsley, 1876.
Collens, T[homas] Wharton(1812-79). The Eden of Labor; or, The Christian Utopia. Philadelphia, PA: Henry Carey Baird & Co., 1876.
Richardson, Benjamin Ward(1828-96). Hygeia: A City of Health. London: Macmillan and Co, 1876.
[Davis], [Ellis James](1850-1905). In Front of the World. A Novel. Vol. 3 Vols. London: Charing Cross Publishing Co. , 1876.
Wells, David A[mes](1828-98). Robinson Crusoe's Money; or, The Remarkable Financial Fortunes and Misfortunes of a Remote Island Community. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1876.
[Petzler], [John Aloys](1814?-1898). Social Architecture; or, Reasons and Means for the Demolition and Reconstruction of the Social Edifice. London: Samuel Tinsley, 1876.
