Narrative of a Four Month's Residence Among the Natives of a Valley of the Marquesas Islands; or, A Peep at Polynesian Life. London: John Murray, 1846.
"Taranaki Song. Written by Mr. J. Hursthouse and sung at the Farmers' Club by Mr. Newland" In Wellington Independent . Vol. 2.105., 1846.
1945: A Vision. London: Francis and John Rivington, 1845.
"The Book of Platonopolis: or, The Perfect Commonwealth. A Romance of the Future" In The Communist Chronicle, or Promethean Magazine, The Apostle of the Communist Church and the Communitive Life; Communion With God, Communion of the Saints, Communion of Suffrages, and Communion of Goods. Vol. 1.35 - 37., 1845.
The Christian Commonwealth. London: Chapman and Hall, 1845.
Margaret: A Tale of the Real and the Ideal, Blight and Bloom; Including Sketches of a Place Not Before Described, Called Mons Christi. Boston, MA: Jordan and Wiley, 1845.
"The Monster Mine (Written especially for the South Australian Odd Fellows' Magazine, Vol. 103, No. 5)" In The South Australian Odd Fellows'; Magazine [Each issue has the title Odd Fellows' Magazine, but the first page of the volume has the full title]. Vol. 2.9 ., 1845.
"One Hundred Years Hence. 1945" In The Millennial Star (Liverpool, Eng.)., 1845.
“The Republic of Orissá; A Page from the Annals of the Twentieth Century” In The Bengal Hurkaru and India Gazette., 1845.
The Book of the New Moral World, on Government and Laws. Part Sixth. London: J. Watson, 1844.
Emigration to the Tropical World, for the Melioration of all Classes of People of all Nations. Surrey, Eng.: The Concordium, 1844.
My First and Last Book. A Book for the Crisis and A Crisis for the Book. [Massachusetts?]: Np, 1844.
A New State of Society: A Diologue [sic.] between Theophilus and Amida. London: Rational Tract Society, 1844.
The Quaker City; or, The Monks of Monk Hall. A Romance of Philadelphia Life, Mystery, and Crime. Philadelphia, PA: G.B. Zieber & Co. , 1844.
"Rules and Regulations of a Community" In The New Moral World. Vol. ns 5.14 - 15 ., 1843.
"The Vision: A Fragment" In Southern Cross, New Zealand Guardian, Auckland, Thames, and Bay of Plenty Advertizer. Vol. 1.33 ., 1843.
The Amazonian Republic Recently Discovered in the Interior of Peru. By Ex-Midshipman Timothy Savage, B.C. Member of the Philosophical Society of Baltimore and of the Antiquarian Academy of Staten Island. New York: Samuel Colman, 1842.
"Locksley Hall" In Poems. Vol. 2 vols. London: Edward Moxon, 1842.
A Voyage from Utopia to Several Unknown Regions of the World. By Yarbfj. Translated from the American, Edited by Lloyd-Prichard, M. F.. London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1842.
A Century Hence or, A Romance of 1941, Edited by Noble, Donald R.. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1841.