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Lodwick, Francis(1619-1695). A Country Not Named In A Country Not Named (MS. Sloane 913, fols. IR-33R). An edition with an annotated primary bibliography and an introductory essay on Lodwick and his intellectual context by William Poole, Edited by Poole, William. Tempe, AZ: ACMRS (Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies), 1675.
Barnes, Joshua(1654-1721). Gerania: A New Discovery of a Little sort of People Anciently Discoursed of, called Pygmies. With a lively Description Of their Stature, Habit, Manners, Buildings, Knowledge, and Government, being very delightful and profitable. London: Ptd. by W.G. for Obadiah Blagrave, 1675.
[Vairasse d'Allais], [Denis](c. 1637-c. 1683). The History of the Sevarites or Sevarambi; a Nation inhabiting part of the third Continent, Commonly called, Terra Australis Incognitae. With an Account of their admirable Government, Religion, Customs, and Language. Written By one Captain Siden [pseud.]. A worthy Person, Who, together with many others, was Cast upon those Coasts, and lived many Years in that Country. London: Ptd. for Henry Brome, 1675.
B[arksdale], C[lement](1609-87). A Letter Touching a Colledge of Maids, or, a Virgin-Society. By B.C. Appended to St. Cyprian Bishop and Martyr, Anno 250. Of Discipline, Prayer, Patience. St. Basil the Great, Of Solitude. London: Ptd. for Sam[uel] Keble, 1675.
[Head], [Richard](1637-86). O-Brazile, or the Inchanted Island: Being A perfect Relation of the late Discovery and Wonderful Dis-Inchantment of an Island on the North of Ireland: With an Account of the Riches and Commodities thereof. Communicated by a Letter from London-Derry, to a Friend in London. [London]: Ptd. by Tho. Newcomb, 1675.
“When Wealth is walkt awaye” . Vol. Ms., 1675.


[Cavendish], [Margaret] Duchess of Newcastle(1623-1673). “Appendix to the Grounds of Natural Philosophy" In In her Grounds of Natural Philosophy: Divided into Thirteen Parts: With an Appendix Containing Five Parts. The Second Edition, much altered from the First, which went under the Name of Philosophical and Physical Opinions. Written by the Thrice Noble, Illustrious, and Excellent Princess, The Duchess of Newcastle . London: Ptd. A. Maxwell, 1668.
[Cavendish], [Margaret] Duchess of Newcastle(1623-1673). The Convent of Pleasure. In her Plays. Never Before Printed. Written By the Thrice Noble, Illustrious, and Excellent Princesse, The Duchess of Newcastle. London: Ptd. by A. Maxwell, 1668.
[Neville], [Henry](1620-94). The Isle of Pines, or, a late Discovery of a fourth Island near Terra Australis, Incognita Being A True Relation of certain English persons, who in the dayes of Queen Elizabeth, making a Voyage to the East Indies, were cast away, and wracked Upon the Island near to the Coast of Terra Australis, Incognita, and all drowned, except one Man and four Women whereof one was a Negro. And now lately Anno Dom. 1667. a Dutch Ship driven by foul weather there, by chance have found their Posterity, (speaking good English) to amount to ten or twelve thousand persons, as they suppose. The whole Relation follows, written, and left by the Man himself a little before his death, and delivered to the Dutch by his Grandchild. Licensed June 27, 1668. London: Ptd. by S.G. for Allen Banks and Charles Harper, 1668.


[Cavendish], [Margaret] Duchess of Newcastle(1623-1673). The Description of a New World, Called the Blazing World In Part IV of her Observations Upon Experimental Philosophy. London: Ptd. By J. Maxwell, 1666.


Philips, Katherine [Fowler](1631-64). "A Country-life" In Poems By the most deservedly Admired Mrs. Katherine Philips The Matchless Orinda. To Which is added Monsieur Corneille's Pompey & Horace, Tragedies. With several other Translations out of French. London: Ptd. by J.M., 1664.


I[ngelo],, N[athaniel] D.D.. Bentivolio and Urania, in [six] books. Vol. 2 vols. London: Ptd. by J.C. for Richard Harriot, 1660.
