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Brome, Richard(1590-1652). The Antipodes: A Comedie. Acted in the yeare 1638 by the Queenes Majesties Servants, at Salisbury Court in Fleet-street. London: Ptd. by J. Okes, for Francis Constable, 1640.
Stoughton, John(1593-1639). Felicitas Ultimi Saeculi: Epistola In Qua, Inter Alia, Calamitosus aevi praesentis status seriò deploratur, certa felicioris posthac spes ostenditur, & ad promovendum publicum Ecclesiae & Rei literariae bonum omnes excitantur: In gratiam Amici cujusdam paulo ante obitum, Edited by Hartlib, Samuel(c. 1600-1662). London: Typis Richardi Hodgkinson, 1640.
Hamond, Wa[lter]. A Paradox. Prooving, That the Inhabitants of the Isle, called Madagascar, or St. Lavrence, (In Temporal Things), are the happiest People in the World. Whereunto is prefixed, a briefe and true Description of that Island: The Nature of the Climate, and condition of the Inhabitants, and their speciall affection to the English above other Nations. With most probable Arguments of a hopefull and fit Plantation of a Colony there, in respect of the fruitfulnesse of the Soyle, the benignity of the Ayre, and the relieving of our English Ships, both to and from the East Indies. London: Ptd. for Nathaniell Butter, 1640.
Carew, Thomas Esquire. One of the Gentlemen of the Privie-Chamber and Sewer in Ordinary to His Majesty(1594/95-1639/40). "To Saxham" In Poems. London: Ptd. by I.D. for Thomas Walkey, 1640.


Wroath, Lady Mary(ca. 1586-ca. 1640). The Countess of Montgomeries Urania. London: Ptd. for Ioh Marriott and Iohn G. Frismand, 1621.
[Burton], [Robert](1577-1640). ["An Utopia of Mine Owne"] "Democritus Iunior to the Reader" In The Anatomy of Melancholy, What It is. With all the Kindes, Causes, Symptomes, Prognostickes and Severall Cures of It. In Three Maine Partitions with their seuereii Sections, Members, and Subsections. Philosophically, Medicinally, Historically, Opened and. Oxford, Eng.: Ptd. by Iohn Lichfield and Iames Short, for Henry Cripps, 1621.


Jonson, Ben[jamin](1573?-1637). "To Penshurst" In The Forrest.” In The Workes of Benjamin Jonson: neque me vt miretur turba, laboro: contentus paucis lectoribus, Edited by Perry, C. H. Herford and Simpson, Evelyn. London: W. Stansby, 1616.


Lanyer, Aemilia [Bassano](1569-1645). "A Description of Cooke-ham" In Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum. London: Valentine Simmes, 1611.
Shakespeare, William(1564-1616). The Tempest. London: Ptd. Isaac Iaggard, and Ed. Blount, 1611.
