Looking Forward: A Study in Social Justice Looking to Co-operation as Offering the Solution of Difficulties. Philadelphia, PA: Roberts & Co., 1913.
Looking Forward. The Strange Experience of the Rev. Fergus McCheyne. Toronto, ON, Canada: William Briggs, 1913.
The Love of Meltha Laone; or, Beyond the Sun. Boston, MA: Roxburgh Publishing Company, 1913.
"The Limit" In Red Magazine (London) . Vol. 34.204., 1917.
The Land of Whereisit. Sydney, NSW, Australia: Judd Publishing Co, 1919.
"A Londoner's Dream on Returning from Petrograd" In The Nineteenth Century and After. Vol. 85., 1919.
"Lolly-pop Land. A Poem" In The Brownies' Book. Vol. 2.4 (16)., 1921.
The Lost Chord: A Description of the Future Society. Chicago, IL: np, 1922.
The Last Millionaire; A Tale of the Old World and the New. London: Heath Cranton, 1923.
The Lavender Dragon. London: Grant Richards, 1923.
The Last of My Race. A Dream of the Future. Lincoln, Eng./London: J.W. Ruddock & Sons/Simpkin Marshall Hamilton Kent, 1924.
"The Lost Car" In Odds and Ends (Miscellaneous Writings). ([Norwood, MA]: Privately ptd. [Plimpton Press], 1924.
Latin Blood. Hollywood, CA: Authors Pub. Corp, 1925.
Looking Forward. Los Angeles, CA: Author, 1925.
Lysistrata: Or, Woman's Future and Future Woman With a Foreword by Norman Haire, Ch.M., M.B.. London: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1925.
The Lamentations of a New Jeremiah. Translated out of the original tongues: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Appointed to be Read Surreptitiously in Churches. London: Allen and Unwin, 1926.
Lucullus The Food of the Future. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1926.
The Light from Sealonia. Boston, MA: The Four Seas Co, 1927.
"The Little Husbands" In Weird Tales (New York). Vol. 12.1 ., 1928.
"The Last Man" In Amazing Stories (New York). Vol. 3.11., 1929.
"Letter of the Twenty-Fourth Century" In Amazing Stories (Jamaica, NY). Vol. 4.9., 1929.
The Light In the Sky. New York: Coward-McCann, 1929.
Last and First Men: A Story of the Near and Far Future. London: Methuen, 1930.
The Lost Garden. London: Chapman & Hall, 1930.
The Lost Children. London: Hutchinson, 1931.