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Janifer, Laurence M[ark](1933-2002). "The Gift" In Dystopian Visions, Edited by Elwood, Roger [Paul](1943-2007). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1975.
Jemisin, N[ora] K.(b. 1972). “Give Me Cornbread or Give Me Death” In A People’s Future of the United States: Speculative Fiction from 25 Extraordinary Writers, Edited by LaValle, Victor(b. 1972) and Adams, John Joseph(b. 1976). New York: One World, 2019.
Jiang, Ai(b. 1997). “Give Me English” In The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. Vol. 142.5/6., 2022.
Jeter, K[evin] W[ayne](b. 1950). The Glass Hammer. New York: Bluejay Books, 1985.
Jeter, K[evin] W[ayne](b. 1950). The Glass Hammer. New York: Bluejay Books, 1985.
[McCullough], [J.]. Golf in the Year 2000; or, What We Are Coming To. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1892.
Jones, Gwyneth [Ann](b. 1952). The Grasshopper’s Child. Np: TJoy Books, 2014.
James, Henry(1843-1916). "The Great Good Place" In Scribner's Magazine. Vol. 27 ., 1900.
James, [Bernard] [John](b. 1922). Greenhouse: It Will Happen in 1997. New York: Donald I. Fine, 1984.
James, [Bernard] [John](b. 1922). Greenhouse: It Will Happen in 1997. New York: Donald I. Fine, 1984.
Jane, Fred[erick](1865-1916). "Guesses at Futurity" In Pall Mall Magazine . Vol. 4 - 6., 1894.
Jane, Fred[erick](1865-1916). "Guesses at Futurity" In Pall Mall Magazine . Vol. 4 - 6., 1894.
Kornbluth, C[yril] M[ichael](1923-58), and [Merril], [Judith(Josephine Juliet Grossman)](1923-97). Gunner Cade. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1952.


[Sutherland], [Edith]. Happiness Highway. Christchurch, New Zealand: Whitcombe and Tombs, 1941.
Jones, Alice Eleanor(1916-81). "The Happy Clown" In If: Worlds of Science Fiction. Vol. 6.1 ., 1955.
Jones, Ewart C[harles]. Head in the Sand. London: Arthur Barker, 1958.
Johnston, Paul(b. 1957). Heads or Hearts. Sutton, Eng.: Severn House, 2015.
Jeffrey, Grant R[eid](1948-2012). Heaven . . . The Last Frontier. Toronto, ON, Canada: Frontier Research Publications, 1990.
Jacobson, Dan(1929-2014). Her Story. London: André Deutsch, 1987.
Jones, Adam Garnet. “History of the New World.” In Love After the End: Two-Spirit Utopias & Dystopias, Edited by Whitehead, Joshua. Narol, MB, Canada: Bedside Press, 2019.
Lyga, Barry(b. 1971), and Baden, Marion. The Hive, Edited by Beals, Jennifer(b. 1963) and Jacobson, Tom. Toronto, ON, Canada: Kids Can Press, 2019.
Joseph, M[ichael] K[ennedy](1914-81). The Hole in the Zero. London: Gollancz, 1967.
Joseph, M[ichael] K[ennedy](1914-81). The Hole in the Zero. London: Gollancz, 1967.
Jones, Tim(b. 1959). "Homestay" In Strange Horizons ., 2005.
