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"That Was the Year That Was" In WARP: The Magazine of the [New Zealand] National Association for Science Fiction. Vol. no. 22 ., 1981.
"The Theatre of the Future" In Grand Magazine. Vol. no. 1 ., 1905.
"The Theatre of the Future" In Grand Magazine. Vol. no. 1 ., 1905.
“Is There a Common Future for People and Trees?” In ‘A Truly Golden Handbook’: The Scholarly Quest for Utopia, Edited by Achten, Veerle, Bouckaert, Geert(b. 1958) and Schokkaert, Erik. Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press, 2016.
"Thermometers Melting" In Arrowdreams: An Anthology of Alternate Canadas, Edited by Shainblum, Mark and Dupuis, John. Winnipeg, MB, Canada: Nuage Editions, 1997.
"They Cope" In Orbit , Edited by Knight, Damon [Francis](1922-2002). Vol. 11. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1972.
The Third Millennium: A History of the World: AD 2000-3000. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1985.
"Thirteen" In Neo-Opsis Science Fiction Magazine. Vol. no. 17 ., 2009.
“Thirteen Year Long Song” In Do Not Go Quietly: An Anthology of Victory in Defiance, Edited by Sizemore, Jason and Conner, Lesley. Lexington, KY: Apex Publications, 2019.
"This Divided Land" In Jigsaw Nation: Science Fiction Stories of Secession, Edited by McFadden, Edward J. III and Sedia, E[katerina](b. 1970). Radford, VA: Spyre, 2006.
Thorndale or The Conflict of Opinions. Edinburgh, Scot.: William Blackwood and Sons, 1857.
“Three Alternative Histories from the Climate Anxiety Counseling Booth” In Reckoning 1: An Annual Journal of Creative Writing on Environmental Justice, Edited by DeLuca, Michael. Vol. 1. Lake, Orion, MI: Reckoning Press, 2016.
Three Days to EOC. A Novella. Santa Cruz, CA: Children’s Art Foundation-Stone Soup, 2020.
"Three Dreams in a Desert" In The Fortnightly Review. Vol. 48 ., 1887.
Thrill City. North Hollywood, CA: Essex House, 1969.
The Throne of Madness: Volume II of the Inquestor Trilogy. New York: Timescape, 1983.
The Throwaways. London: Methuen, 1992.
"A Ticket to Tranai" In Galaxy Science Fiction. Vol. 11.1., 1955.
"Till Human Voices Wake Us" In The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction . Vol. 66.5 ., 1984.
"Time Deer" In Red Deer Planet. Vol. 4., 1974.
The Time Machine That Never Got Past First Base: A Laugh--at the Future?. Kowloon, Hong Kong: Opium Books, 1968.
"A Time of Changes" In Galaxy Science Fiction. Vol. 31.4., 1971.
Time of the Great Death. A Novel. New York: Vantage Press, 1971.
Time of the Great Freeze. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964.
The Time-Hoppers. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1967.