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The Ultimate Island: A Strange Adventure. London: George Routledge & Sons, Ltd, 1925.
The Ultimate Island: A Strange Adventure. London: George Routledge & Sons, Ltd, 1925.
The Undesirables. Seattle, WA: Black Heron Press, 1997.
“Ungovernable Cities” In Gross Ideas: Tales of Tomorrow’s Architecture, Edited by Attlee, Edwina, Harper, Phineas and Smith, Maria. London: The Architecture Foundation and Oslo Architectural Triennale, 2019.
“Ungovernable Cities” In Gross Ideas: Tales of Tomorrow’s Architecture, Edited by Attlee, Edwina, Harper, Phineas and Smith, Maria. London: The Architecture Foundation and Oslo Architectural Triennale, 2019.
Union Now: A Proposal for a Federal Union of the Democracies of the North Atlantic. New York: Harper, 1939.
“Unit Simulation: Reconnect with Your Past” In Nature. Vol. 507.7490 ., 2014.
The United States Elevated to Glory and Honor. A Sermon Preached Before His Excellency Jonathan Trumbull, Esq. L.L.D. Governor and Commander in Chief, and the Honorable The General Assembly of the State of Connecticut, Convened at Hartford, At the Anniversary Election, May 8th, 1783. New Haven, CT: Thomas & Samuel Green, 1783.
The Universal Panacea in a Nick of Time. Intellectual Determination of Unity and Perfection The Only Complete Explanation of the Golden Rule First Proclamation of the Goldless Rule Ennobling Free-Will-Less Truth Enthroning Health and Justice. At the head of the title The True, The Beautiful, The Good "Man Know Thyself" and Final Era Science of Government. Los Angeles, CA/Chicago, IL: Sickels & Lindquist/Ptd. Rogers & Hall, 1919.
An Unkindness of Ghosts. Brooklyn, NY: Akashic Books, 2017.
An Unknown Land. London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd, 1942.
"The Unknown Region" In Sketches from Oblivion, Being the Remains of Herbert Trevelyan, Esqr, Edited by Shafton, Piers Gent.. London: Hurst, Chance & Co., 1827.
Unpopular Planet. New York: Dell, 1975.
The Unprecedented Invasion of Altruria. Cos Cobb, VT: Rustic Press, 1917.
The Unpredictable Adventure: A Comedy of Woman's Independence. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran & Co, 1935.
The Unreal People. New York: Lancer Books, 1973.
“An Unremarkable Bar on an Unremarkable Night” In The Feminist Utopia Project: Fifty-Seven Visions of a Wildly Better Future, Edited by Brodsky, Alexandra and Nalebuff, Rachel Kauder. New York: The Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 2015.
"The Unseen" In How to Run a City Like Amazon, and Other Fables, Edited by Graham, Mark, Kitchin, Rob, Mattern, Shannon and Shaw, Joe. Np: Meatspace Press, 2019.
“The Unseen Face of the Moon Business” In Strange Economics: Economic Speculative Fiction, Edited by Shultz, David F.. Toronto, ON, Canada: TdotSpec, 2018.
"The Unseen Hand" In The Unseen Hand and Other Plays. Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs-Merril, 1972.
Unwind. New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2007.
"Upgrade" In Fix the World: Twelve Sci-Fi Writers Save the Future, Edited by Coatsworth, J. Scott. Sacramento, CA: Other Worlds Ink, 2021.
Ursa. Newtown, NSW, Australia: Walker Books Australia, 2019.
“The Useless Citizen Act” In Shoreline of Infinity. Vol. no. 9., 2017.
U.S.S.A. Book 3. New York: Avon Books, 1987.