Prelude to Christopher. Sydney, NSW. Australia: P.R. Stephensen & Co, 1934.
Proud Man. London: Boriswood, 1934.
The Perfect World" In Wonder Stories (Springfield, MA) . Vol. 7.5 - 7.7., 1935.
President Randolph as I Knew Him. An account of the historic events of the 1950's and 1960's written from the personal experiences of the secretary to the President. Philadelphia, PA: Dorrance, 1935.
Purple Plague; A Tale of Love and Revolution. London: Sampson, Low & Marston, 1935.
"Pygmalion's Spectacles" In Wonder Stories (Springfield, MA) . Vol. 7.1 ., 1935.
Paradise Found or Where the Sex Problem has been solved (A Story from South America). London: John Bale, Sons & Danielsson, 1936.
"Past, Present and Future" In Astounding Stories. Vol. 20.1 ., 1937.
“The Place of the Gods” In Saturday Evening Post. Vol. 219.5., 1937.
Problem Island. Paterson, NJ: St. Anthony Guild Press, 1937.
"The Priestess Who Rebelled" In Amazing Stories (Chicago, IL). Vol. 13.10 ., 1939.
The Perfect Government: $25,000 Twenty-five Thousand Dollars Reward if Anyone Can Find a Flaw in it or Can Prove it Will Not Work Successfully. Holy City, CA: Father Riker of Holy City Inventor and Discoverer of the Perfect Government, 1940.
Pack Rat: A Metaphoric Fantasy. Milwaukee, WI: Bruce Publishing Co, 1942.
The People's Plan. Auckland, New Zealand: Observer Printing Works, 1942.
The People's Plan for a New Order: Giving Twenty-four Points for Reconstruction of the Present Orthodox System of Economics. Auckland, New Zealand: The Unity Press Ltd, 1942.
Perelandra. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1943.
Peace in Nobody's Time. London: Hutchinson, 1944.
Phantom Victory; The Fourth Reich 1945-1960. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1944.
A Proposed World Government. Arlington, VA: The Shaw Press, 1944.
Pattern for a Railroad for Tomorrow: 1960. Milwaukee, WI: Kalmbach Publishing Co, 1945.