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"In The World Celestial". New York/Chicago, IL: Alliance Publishing Co./Plymouth Publishing Co. , 1901.
The Queen of Appalachia. New York: Abbey Press, 1901.
Thyra; A Romance of the Polar Pit. New York: Henry Holt, 1901.
"The University and Australian Literature. A Centenary Retrospect" In Hermes, The Magazine of the University of Sydney (Sydney, NSW, Australia). Vol. Jubilee No. , 1902.
"The University and Australian Literature. A Centenary Retrospect" In Hermes, The Magazine of the University of Sydney (Sydney, NSW, Australia). Vol. Jubilee No. , 1902.
D'Mars Affinity: Romance of Love's Final Test in Time and Tide. New York: J.S. Ogilvie Publishing Co, 1903.
D'Mars Affinity: Romance of Love's Final Test in Time and Tide. New York: J.S. Ogilvie Publishing Co, 1903.
A Thousand Years Hence or Startling Events in the Year A.D. 3000. A Trip to Mars. Incidents by the Way. Portland, OR: Author, 1903.
The Harris-Ingram Experiment. Cleveland, OH: Burrows Brothers Co., 1904.
Mr. Oseba's Last Discovery. Wellington, New Zealand: The New Zealand Times, 1904.
Mr. Oseba's Last Discovery. Wellington, New Zealand: The New Zealand Times, 1904.
The Red Leaguers. London: Methuen, 1904.
The Red Leaguers. London: Methuen, 1904.
The Unpardonable War. New York: Macmillan, 1904.
"Ashes of the Beacon. An Historical Monograph Written in 4930" In New York American ., 1905.
Hopetown. An industrial town, as it is, and as it might be. West Bromwich, Eng.: J.B. Round, 1905.
Purple and White; A Romance. London: R. A. Everett & Co. (Ltd.), 1905.
Titan, Son of Saturn. The Coming World Emperor. Oberlin, OH: The Emeth Publishers, 1905.
"The Sorcery Shop; an Impossible Romance" In The Clarion. Vol. nos. 779 - 98., 1906.
"The Superannuation Department A.D. 1945" In Windsor Magazine. Vol. 23.133., 1906.
"The Superannuation Department A.D. 1945" In Windsor Magazine. Vol. 23.133., 1906.
The Flight of Icarus. London: Sisley's Ltd., 1907.
Lord of the World. London: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd, 1907.