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Felicitas Ultimi Saeculi: Epistola In Qua, Inter Alia, Calamitosus aevi praesentis status seriò deploratur, certa felicioris posthac spes ostenditur, & ad promovendum publicum Ecclesiae & Rei literariae bonum omnes excitantur: In gratiam Amici cujusdam paulo ante obitum, Edited by Hartlib, Samuel(c. 1600-1662). London: Typis Richardi Hodgkinson, 1640.
A View of the State of Ireland, Written Dialogue-wise, betweene Eudoxus and Irenæus. By Edmund Spenser, Esq. In the Yeare 1596, Edited by [Ware], [James]. Dublin, Ireland: Ptd. by the Society of Stationers as part of Ancient Irish Histories, 1633.
"To Penshurst" In The Forrest.” In The Workes of Benjamin Jonson: neque me vt miretur turba, laboro: contentus paucis lectoribus, Edited by Perry, C. H. Herford and Simpson, Evelyn. London: W. Stansby, 1616.
The Tempest. London: Ptd. Isaac Iaggard, and Ed. Blount, 1611.
The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia. London: William Ponsonbie, 1590.
The Second part of the Anatomie of Abuses, conteining The Display of Corruptions, with a perfect description of such imperfections, blemishes and abuses, as now reigning in euerie degree, require reformation for feare of Gods vengeance to be powred vpon the people and countrie, without speedie repentance and conuersion vnto God: made dialogwise by Phillip Stubbs.. London: Ptd. by R[oger] W[ard] for William Wright, 1583.
A letter sent by I.B. Gentleman vnto his very frende Maystet [sic] R.C. Esquire: vvherin is conteined a large discourse of the peopling & inhabiting the cuntrie called the Ardes, and other adiacent in the north of Ireland, and taken in hand by Sir Thomas Smith one of the Queenes Maiesties priuie Counsel, and Thomas Smith Esquire, his sonne. London: Ptd. by Henry Binneman for Anthonhson [i.e. Anthony Kitson], 1572.