On a Lark to the Planets: A Sequel to “The Wonderful Electric Elephant”. Akron, OH: The Saalfield Publishing Co., 1904.
A Modern Exodus: A Novel. London: Greening & Co., 1904.
The Storm of London: A Social Rhapsody. London: John Long, 1904.
"The Story of Loveland" In Agnostic Journal and Eclectic Review . Vol. 54.4 - 7., 1904.
Arcadian Adelaide. Adelaide, SA, Australia: Modern Printing Co, 1905.
The Arcadians. Sequel to Arcadian Adelaide. Adelaide, SA, Australia: Modern Printing Co, 1905.
As It May Be; A Story of the Future. Boston, MA: Richard G. Badger, The Gorham Press, 1905.
The Fulfilment. London: Greening & Co., 1905.
It Beats the Shakers or A New Tune. London: Anglo-American Corp., 1905.
Other Worlds; A Story Concerning the Wealth Earned by American Citizens and Showing How It Can Be Secured to Them Instead of to the Trusts. Chicago, IL: Author, 1905.
Patmos. London: Gordon and Gotch, 1905.
"Sultana's Dream" In The Indian Ladies' Magazine (Madras, India). Vol. 5.3 ., 1905.
The War of the Sexes. London: John Long, 1905.
The World Above; A Duologue. Chicago, IL: Blue Skys Press, 1905.
As It Is In Heaven. Philadelphia, PA: Universal Book and Bible House, 1906.
Decimon Hûŷdas: A Romance of Mars. A Story of actual experiences in Ento (Mars) many centuries ago given to the Psychic Sara Weiss and by her transcribed under the editorial direction of Spirit Carl De L'Ester. Rochester, NY: Austin Publishing Co, 1906.
"The Sorry-Present and the Expelled Little Boy" In The Strand Magazine . Vol. 31.182., 1906.
"The Hidden Country" In Our Jabberwock (London) . Vol. 4.22 - 27 ., 1907.
A Knight of the Holy Ghost. London: Watts & Co, 1907.
"Utopia" In The New Age: An Independent Review of Politics, Literature, and Art. Vol. no. 662 (ns 1.2) ., 1907.
"A Woman's Utopia" In The Times Magazine. Vol. 1., 1907.
"Aunt Mary's Pie Plant" In Woman's Home Companion. Vol. 35 ., 1908.
How the Vote Was Won. Produced for the First Time at the Royalty Theatre, London, April 13, 1909. London: Edith Craig, 1908.
The Mystery of the North Pole. London: Francis Griffiths, 1908.
A Pilgrim's Progress in Other Worlds; Recounting the Wonderful Adventures of Ulysum Storries and His Discovery of the Lost Star "Eden". Boston, MA: Mayhew Publishing Company, 1908.