"Rememory" In Fiyah Magazine of Black Speculative Fiction. Vol. no. 18., 2021.
Reset. A Novel. Ashland, OR: Blackstone Publishing, 2021.
"The Restoration" In Reckoning 5: Creative Writing on Environmental Justice, Edited by Bobet, Leah and Cristifari, Cécile. Lake Orion, OH: Reckoning Press, 2021.
“Return to Kiribati” In XR WORDSMITHS Solarpunk Storytelling Contest., 2021.
“Sailing That Beautiful Sea” In Speculative Los Angeles, Edited by Hamilton, Denise. Brooklyn, NY: Akashic Books, 2021.
Sanctuary. Norwalk, CT: Woodhall Press, 2021.
“A Séance in the Anthropocene” In Imagine 2200: Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors ., 2021.
“The Singer of Seeds” In XR WORDSMITHS’ Solarpunk Storytelling Contest., 2021.
SPF In Reckoning 5: Creative Writing on Environmental Justice, Edited by Bobet, Leah and Cristifari, Cécile. Lake Orion, MI: Reckoning Press, 2021.
"Static" In The Johannesburg Review of Books, Edited by Zadok, Rachel(b. 1972), Szczurek, Karina Magdalena and Snyman, Jason. Vol. 5.3., 2021.
“Three Little Arcologies” In Little Blue Marble ., 2021.
Trafik. Minneapolis, MN: Coffee House Press, 2021.
Trashlands. Toronto, ON, Canada: Mira/Harlequin Books, 2021.
Unity. San Francisco, CA: Tachyon Publications, 2021.
Unsheltered. Cammeray, NSW, Australia: Scribner/Simon & Schuster Australia, 2021.
“Uphill Both Ways in the Snow” In Little Blue Marble ., 2021.
“Vladivostok” In Multispecies Cities: Solarpunk Urban Futures, Edited by Rupprecht, Christoph, Cleland, Deborah, Tamura, Norie, Chaudhuri, Rajat and Ulibarri, Sarena. Albuquerque, NM: World Weaver Press, 2021.
“The Walls of Benin City” In Omenana. Vol. no. 20., 2021.
"The Water Runner" In Danged Black Thing . Melbourne, Vic, Australia: Transit Lounge, 2021.
“What friends are for: Taking steps to freedom” In Nature., 2021.
“When the Water Stops” In The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. Vol. 149.5/6 ., 2021.
“The Wild Inside” In Reckoning 5: Creative Writing on Environmental Justice, Edited by Bobet, Leah and Cristifari, Cécile. Lake Orion, MI: Reckoning Press, 2021.
The Wipe. Weston, Eng.: NewCon Press, 2021.
“Without a password: Making connections” In Nature., 2021.
“Wives at the End of the World” In The Future Fire: Social Political & Speculative Cyber-Fiction. Vol. no. 57., 2021.