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Farmer, Nancy [Forsythe Coe](b. 1941). A New Year’s Tale. Portal, AZ: Author, 2013.
Paynter, J[oseph] E[dward](1868-1960). The New World Order And How It Will Be Established: The World, As it was; As it is; And as it will be. An intensely interesting and thought-provoking book. [Vancouver, BC, Canada: [Ptd by Clarke & Stuart], 1941.
T. R. O. Y.,. "The New World Disorder: a global network of direct democracy and community currency"., 2002.
Claeys, John [R.]. A New World Coming: Experiencing a Radically Different Future in the Kingdom of God. Longview, TX: 289Design, 2017.
Turner, Frederick(b. 1943). The New World: An Epic Poem. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1985.
Gray, Alasdair [James](1934-2019). "A New World" In Fiction Magazine. Vol. 6.2., 1987.
Cook, Diane [Marie](b. 1976). The New Wilderness. A Novel. New York: Haper, 2020.
Warren, Julianne Lutz. “New Wild of Generopia: A Hope of New Eaarth” In Talk given at the “Stories of the Anthropocene Festival,” Stockholm, Sweden, October 28, 2016., 2016.
[Stacy], [Edmund](fl 1710-15). A New Voyage to the Island of Fools, Representing the Policy, Government, and Present State of the Stultitians. By A Noble Venetian. Inscrib'd to the Right Honourable, The Lord Ferdinando. Translated from the Italian. London: Ptd. for John Morphew, 1713.
Hodgart, Matthew [John Caldwell] ed. [written by](1916-96). A New Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms. Being the Fifth Part of the Travels into Several Remote Parts of the World by Lemuel Gulliver First a Surgeon and then a Captain of Several Ships. Wherein the Author returns and finds a New State of Liberal Horses and Revolting Yahoos. London: Duckworth, 1969.
Owen, Robert(1771-1858). A New View of Society; or, Essays on the Principle of the Formation of the Human Character, and the Application of the Principle to Practice. London: Ptd. for Cadell and Davies, by Richard Taylor and Co., 1813.
Johnston,, Alexander M.A.. The New Utopia; or, Progress and Prosperity. An Exposure of the Evils Produced by Unwise Legislation, and A Suggestion of the Means Whereby They May Be Remedied. Sydney, NSW, Australia: Turner and Henderson, 1890.
Tuckwell, Rev. W[illiam](1829-1919). The New Utopia, or England in 1985. A Lecture delivered in the Town Hall, Birmingham, on Sunday February 8th, 1885. Birmingham, Eng.: Birmingham Sunday Lecture Society, 1885.
A New Utopia Called A League-for-A Living. New York: League-For-A-Living Committee, 1922.
[Drane(Mother Francis Raphael, O.S.D.)], [Augusta Theodosia](1823-94).. "The New Utopia" In Irish Monthly . Vol. 5., 1877.
Jerome, Jerome K[lapka](1859-1927). "The New Utopia" In Treasure Trove. Vol. 1.2 ., 1890.
Milward, Peter [Christopher] [S.J.](1925-2017). A New Utopia. [Tokyo]: Aratake Shuppan, 1979.
Rojo, Pepe. "The New US" In Twelve Tomorrows: MIT Technology Review SF Annual 2016, Edited by Sterling, [Michael] Bruce(b. 1954). Cambridge, MA: MIT Technology Review, 2015.
Roberts, Alaric J.. New Trade Winds for the Seven Seas. Santa Barbara, CA: J. F. Rowny Press, 1942.
Hughes,, W[illiam] R[avenscroft] M.A.(b. 1880), ed. for The New Town Council. New Town, A Proposal in Agricultural, Industrial, Educational, Civic and Social Reconstruction. London: Pub. for The New Town Council by J.M. Dent, 1919.
Huffman, Bert[ram Wilson](1870-1953). New Thoughts for a New World. Newton Station, BC, Canada: Author, 1945.
Friend of the Utmost Reform, in the Mean Time, To the Representative System of Government, [pseud.]. A New Theory of Moral and Social Reform; Founded on the Principal and Most General Facts of Human Nature. Or Essays, To Establish a Universal Criterion of Moral Truth, That Shall Be Intelligible and Practicable Alike To Every Individual, and to Found Thereon a Plan of Voluntary Association and Order, Calculated to Secure Equal Benefits, As Well As "Equal Rights," To Every Member of Society, Without the Aid of Either Priestly or Political Government. London: Ptd. for Effingham Wilson, 1828.
Michael, Richard. New Terra and Beyond: The Expanding Human Universe. [Bloomington, IN]: Xlibris, 2009.
A New State of Society: A Diologue [sic.] between Theophilus and Amida. London: Rational Tract Society, 1844.
Malen, Lenore. The New Society for Universal Harmony. New York: Granary Books, 2005.
