“Scroogled” In Watchlist: 32 Short Stories by Persons of Interest, Edited by Hurt, Bryan. New York: OR Books, 2015.
The Sellout. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2015.
“Serenade on Lake Ontario” In On Spec: The Canadian Magazine of the Fantastic . Vol. 27.1 ., 2015.
Seveneves. New York: William Morrow, 2015.
“Share and Share Alike” In A Robot, A Cyborg & a Martian Walk into a Space Bar, Edited by Erwine, J. Alan(b. 1969). Aurora, CO: Nomadic Delirium Press, 2015.
“A Short History of Migration in Five Fragments of You” In Omenana Speculative Fiction Magazine. Vol. no. 3., 2015.
“The Silicon Curtain: A Seastead Story” In The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction . Vol. 129.1 & 2 (720) ., 2015.
“Sliding Doors” In The Feminist Utopia Project: Fifty-Seven Visions of a Wildly Better Future, Edited by Brodsky, Alexandra and Nalebuff, Rachel Kauder. New York: The Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 2015.
“Space, Mk 4 Mod 3” In Communities: Life in Cooperative Culture. Vol. No. 169., 2015.
Station Eleven. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2015.
"Stations" In Terra Incognita: New Short Speculative Futures from Africa, Edited by Dorman, Nerine. Np: Short Story Day Africa, 2015.
“Stripped to Zero: Someone to watch over you” In Nature. Vol. 524.7563 ., 2015.
The Subprimes. New York: Harper, 2015.
"Summertime" In SF Comet., 2015.
Sundogz. a diffusion. South Pasadena, CA: Semiotext(e), 2015.
Surfacing. Provo, UT: Jolly Fish Press, 2015.
System: With His Face in the Sun. Np: Author, 2015.
Salvage. New York: Greenwillow Books, 2014.
Sand. North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace, 2014.
“The Sassy Chassis Lassies and the Devolution Revolution” In Bikes in Space Volume 2 [Cover adds More feminist science fiction], Edited by Blue, Elly. Portland, OR: Elly Blue Publishing, 2014.
The Scavengers. New York: Harper, 2014.
The Second American Civil War: Freedom versus Tyranny. Np: Amazon [Kindle], 2014.
“Sherden” In Embracing Utopian Horizons, Edited by Ðergović-Joksimović, Zorica. Novi Sad, Serbia: Filozofski fakultet u Novum Sadu, 2014.
Sherwood Nation. A Novel. Easthampton, MA: Small Beer Press, 2014.
"Shooting the Apocalypse" In The End is Nigh: The Apocalypse Triptych, Edited by Howey, Hugh [Crocker](b. 1975) and Adams, John Joseph(b. 1976). Np: Np, 2014.