“‘Battle Neverending’”

Title“‘Battle Neverending’”
Year for Search1998
AuthorsLofton, Saab
Secondary TitleBattle Neverending
Date Published1998
PublisherShare the Wealth Publications
Place PublishedNp
KeywordsAfrican American author, Male author

A fictional interview of the African American superhero Tommorrowman by the U.S. journalist Bill Moyers (b. 1934). Tommorowman has been given his powers by an alien from a “pacifist, democratic, multicultural, and egalitarian” Interstellar Community (47). Mostly commentary on contemporary events.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

African American author.

Full Text

1998 Lofton, Saab. “‘Battle Neverending’.” In his Battle Neverending (Np: Share the Wealth Publications, 1998), 45-71. PSt

A fictional interview of the African American superhero Tommorrowman by the U.S. journalist Bill Moyers (b. 1934). Tommorowman has been given his powers by an alien from a “pacifist, democratic, multicultural, and egalitarian” Interstellar Community (47). Mostly commentary on contemporary events. African American author.