“‘Patriot Points’: You may qualify for huge discounts, TSA Precheck approval, and more!”

Title“‘Patriot Points’: You may qualify for huge discounts, TSA Precheck approval, and more!”
Year for Search2017
AuthorsBeukes, Lauren [Ann](b. 1976)
Secondary AuthorsWinters, Ben[jamin Allen] H.(b. 1976)
Secondary TitleSlate Magazine as part of its Trump Story Project. https://slate.com/tag/trump-story-project
Date PublishedFebruary 14, 2017
KeywordsFemale author, South African author

The story consists of the questionnaire to fill out to achieve “Patriot Points,” which characterizes the dystopia being created. 


Illus. Lisa Larson-Walker

Holding Institutions


Author Note

South African female author (b. 1976)

Full Text

2017 Beukes, Lauren [Ann] (b. 1976). “‘Patriot Points’: You may qualify for huge discounts, TSA Precheck approval, and more!” Illus. Lisa Larson-Walker. Slate Magazine as part of its Trump Story Project. https://slate.com/tag/trump-story-project Ed. Ben Winters (February 14, 2017) https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2017/02/patriot-points-by-lauren-beukes-in-the-trump-story-project.html

The story consists of the questionnaire to fill out to achieve “Patriot Points,” which characterizes the dystopia being created. South African female author.