“The Dropped Twenty”
Title | “The Dropped Twenty” |
Year for Search | 2019 |
Authors | McLaughlin, John |
Secondary Title | Kasma Magazine |
Pagination | EJournal |
Date Published | January 2019 |
Keywords | Male author |
Annotation | The story is set in a future where jobs are so scarce that people are paid $2000.00 per year of their expected life to be euthanized so that their body parts and fluids can be reclaimed, the money going to their family. |
URL | https://www.kasmamagazine.com/the-dropped-twenty.html |
Illustration | Illus. Jose Baetas |
Full Text | 2019 McLaughlin, John. “The Dropped Twenty.” Illus. Jose Baetas. Kasma Magazine (January 2019). https://www.kasmamagazine.com/the-dropped-twenty.html The story is set in a future where jobs are so scarce that people are paid $2000.00 per year of their expected life to be euthanized so that their body parts and fluids can be reclaimed, the money going to their family. |