“A Gardener’s Guide to the Apocalypse”

Title“A Gardener’s Guide to the Apocalypse”
Year for Search2019
AuthorsMejía, Lynette
Secondary AuthorsRambo, Cat[herine Tigerlily](b. 1963)
Secondary TitleIf This Goes On
Pagination95-107, with an editor’s note on 107
Date Published2019
PublisherParvus Press
Place PublishedYardley, PA
KeywordsFemale author, US author

Post-apocalyptic dystopia (nuclear war) as seen through the eyes of a gardener trying to grow food.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Female author

Full Text

2019 Mejía, Lynette. “A Gardener’s Guide to the Apocalypse.” If This Goes On. Ed. Cat[herine Tigerlily] Rambo (Yardley, PA: Parvus Press, 2019), 95-107, with an editor’s note on 107. Public 

Post-apocalyptic dystopia (nuclear war) as seen through the eyes of a gardener trying to grow food. Female author.