“By His Bootstraps”

Title“By His Bootstraps”
Year for Search2019
AuthorsBanker, Ashok K[umar](b. 1964)
Secondary AuthorsLaValle, Victor(b. 1972), and Adams, John Joseph(b. 1976)
Secondary TitleA People’s Future of the United States: Speculative Fiction from 25 Extraordinary Writers
Date Published2019
PublisherOne World
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsIndian author, Male author

Satire in which the U.S. government, under President Trump, initiates a program that changes the DNA in a person back to its human origins, thus ridding the country of all mixed-race immigrants. Something goes wrong and most people in the country become Native American Indians. 

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Indian author (b. 1964)

Full Text

2019 Banker, Ashok K[umar] (b. 1964). “By His Bootstraps.” A People’s Future of the United States: Speculative Fiction from 25 Extraordinary Writers. Ed. Victor LaValle (b. 1972) and John Joseph Adams (b. 1976) (New York: One World, 2019), 133-44. PSt

Satire in which the U.S. government, under President Trump, initiates a program that changes the DNA in a person back to its human origins, thus ridding the country of all mixed-race immigrants. Something goes wrong and most people in the country become Native American Indians. Indian author.