“An Honest World”

Title“An Honest World”
Year for Search2015
AuthorsLacey, Catherine(b. 1985)
Secondary AuthorsMichel, Lincoln(b. 1982), and Nieto, Nadxieli
Secondary TitleGigantic Worlds
Date Published2015
PublisherGigantic Books
Place PublishedNp
KeywordsFemale author, US author

Dystopia brought about by everyone telling the truth. 

Holding Institutions


Author Note

(b. 1985)

Full Text

2015 Lacey, Catherine (b. 1985). “An Honest World.” Gigantic Worlds. Ed. Lincoln Michel and Nadxieli Nieto (Np: Gigantic Books, 2015), 161-63. PSt

Dystopia brought about by everyone telling the truth. Female author.