“The Immanation”

Title“The Immanation”
Year for Search2017
AuthorsEasson, Mary
Secondary AuthorsMiller, Gavin, and McFarlane, Anna
Secondary TitleA Practical Guide to the Resurrected: Twenty-One Short Stories of Medicine and Science Fiction
Date Published2017
PublisherFreight Books
Place PublishedGlasgow, SCot.
ISBN Number978-1-911332-50-3
KeywordsFemale author, Scottish author

Dystopian future in which some have withdrawn from the damaged world into a Tower where everything is controlled contrasted with those who chose to stay outside where they are regenerating the Earth. 

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Scottish female author.

Full Text

2017 Easson, Mary. “The Immanation.” A Practical Guide to the Resurrected: Twenty-One Short Stories of Medicine and Science Fiction. Ed. Gavin Miller and Anna McFarlane (Glasgow, Scot.: Freight Books, 2017), 150-59. PSt

Dystopian future in which some have withdrawn from the damaged world into a Tower where everything is controlled contrasted with those who chose to stay outside where they are regenerating the Earth. Scottish female author.