“The Junction of the Ocean. A Tale of the Year 2098”

Title“The Junction of the Ocean. A Tale of the Year 2098”
Year for Search1835
AuthorsParker, Henry Meredith(1796-1868)
Secondary TitleBengal Annual; A Literary Keepsake for 1835
Date Published1835
ISBN Number978-78-308863-8
KeywordsEnglish author, Indian author, Male author

Disaster/dystopian story told by a survivor. The construction of the Panama Canal produces a massive flood when the two oceans come together, ultimately inundating most of the world. 

Additional Publishers

Rev. in the author’s Bole Ponjis, Containing the Tale of the Buccaneer; A Bottle of Red Ink; The Decline and Fall of Ghosts; and Other Ingredients. 2. vols. (London/Calcutta, India: W. Thacker & Co., 1851), 1: 132-215. https://archive.org/details/boleponjisconta01parkgoog/page/n2/mode/1up; rpt. in Science Fiction in Colonial India, 1835-1905: Five Tales of Speculative Fiction and Resistance. Ed. Mary Ellis Gibson (London: Anthem Press, 2019), 38-75, with an editor’s introduction on 29-37. 

Holding Institutions


Author Note

The author (1796-1868) was born in England, member of the Bengal Civil Service from 1815 to 1842, when he retired back to England.

Full Text

1835 Parker, Henry Meredith (1796-1868). “The Junction of the Ocean. A Tale of the Year 2098.” Bengal Annual; A Literary Keepsake for 1835 (1835): 1-55. Rev. in the author’s Bole Ponjis, Containing the Tale of the Buccaneer; A Bottle of Red Ink; The Decline and Fall of Ghosts; and Other Ingredients. 2. vols. (London/Calcutta, India: W. Thacker & Co., 1851), 1: 132-215. https://archive.org/details/boleponjisconta01parkgoog/page/n2/mode/1up; rpt. in Science Fiction in Colonial India, 1835-1905: Five Tales of Speculative Fiction and Resistance. Ed. Mary Ellis Gibson (London: Anthem Press, 2019), 38-75, with an editor’s introduction on 29-37. PU

Disaster/dystopian story told by a survivor. The construction of the Panama Canal produces a massive flood when the two oceans come together, ultimately inundating most of the world. The author was born in England, member of the Bengal Civil Service from 1815 to 1842, when he retired back to England.