“The Longest Breath”

Title“The Longest Breath”
Year for Search2022
AuthorsBeebe, Lisa
Secondary TitlePrism Review
Volume / Editionno. 24
Date Published2022
ISSN Number2161-0274
KeywordsFemale author, US author

The story takes place in a Florida retirement home that overlooks a city that is now underwater from the viewpoint of an old Japanese woman who had been a professional diver whose daughter had brought her from Japan and put her in the home.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. illus. in Little Blue Marble (March 10, 2023). https://littlebluemarble.ca/2023/03/10/the-longest-breath/ 

Author Note

Female author

Full Text

2022 Beebe, Lisa. “The Longest Breath.” Prism Review, no. 24 (2022):  37-43. Rpt. illus. in Little Blue Marble (March 10, 2023). https://littlebluemarble.ca/2023/03/10/the-longest-breath/ 

The story takes place in a Florida retirement home that overlooks a city that is now underwater from the viewpoint of an old Japanese woman who had been a professional diver whose daughter had brought her from Japan and put her in the home. Female author.