“The Man Who Waved Hello”

Title“The Man Who Waved Hello”
Year for Search1972
AuthorsDozois, Gardner R[aymond](1947-2018)
Secondary AuthorsCarr, Terry [Gene](1937-87)
Secondary TitleUniverse 2: An Original Collection of All-New Science Fiction
Pagination199-209 with an illus. by Alicia Austin on 198
Date Published1972
PublisherAce Books
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsMale author, US author

Dystopia set in a future where the government provides everything one needs based on one’s status seen through the eyes of a man in the middle ranks who will never rise further.


Illus. Alicia Austin

Author Note


Full Text

1972 Dozois, Gardner [Raymond] (1947-2018), “The Man Who Waved Hello.” Universe 2: An Original Collection of All-New Science Fiction. Ed. Terry Carr (New York: Ace Books, 1972), 199-209 with an illus. by Alicia Austin on 198.

Dystopia set in a future where the government provides everything one needs based on one’s status seen through the eyes of a man in the middle ranks who will never rise further.