“The Quirian and the Earthling”

Title“The Quirian and the Earthling”
Year for Search2016
AuthorsOyiliagu, Catherine
Secondary TitleBrittle Paper
Date PublishedApril 11, 2016
KeywordsCanadian author, Female author, Nigerian author

The story, really a vignette, takes place on the planet Quron, a pristine planet with Earth described as a planet “of plastic and fog.” 

Info Notes

Excerpted from a longer unpublished work titled The Defectors

Author Note

Nigerian female author living in Canada.

Full Text

2016 Oyiliagu, Catherine. “The Quirian and the Earthling.” Brittle Paper (April 11, 2016). Excerpted from a longer unpublished work titled The Defectors. https://brittlepaper.com/2016/04/defectors-catherine-oyiliagu-african-story/

The story, really a vignette, takes place on the planet Quron, a pristine planet with Earth described as a planet “of plastic and fog.” Nigerian female author living in Canada.