“The Quirian and the Earthling”
Title | “The Quirian and the Earthling” |
Year for Search | 2016 |
Authors | Oyiliagu, Catherine |
Secondary Title | Brittle Paper |
Date Published | April 11, 2016 |
Keywords | Canadian author, Female author, Nigerian author |
Annotation | The story, really a vignette, takes place on the planet Quron, a pristine planet with Earth described as a planet “of plastic and fog.” |
URL | https://brittlepaper.com/2016/04/defectors-catherine-oyiliagu-african-story/ |
Info Notes | Excerpted from a longer unpublished work titled The Defectors. |
Author Note | Nigerian female author living in Canada. |
Full Text | 2016 Oyiliagu, Catherine. “The Quirian and the Earthling.” Brittle Paper (April 11, 2016). Excerpted from a longer unpublished work titled The Defectors. https://brittlepaper.com/2016/04/defectors-catherine-oyiliagu-african-story/ The story, really a vignette, takes place on the planet Quron, a pristine planet with Earth described as a planet “of plastic and fog.” Nigerian female author living in Canada. |