“The Seizure of the Channel Tunnel: A Tale of the Twentieth Century”
Title | “The Seizure of the Channel Tunnel: A Tale of the Twentieth Century” |
Year for Search | 1882 |
Authors | A., F. |
Secondary Title | Time: A Monthly Miscellany of Interesting and Amusing Literature |
Volume / Edition | 7.37 |
Pagination | 91-121 |
Date Published | April 1882 |
Annotation | The dystopia brought about by the defeat of Britain by France as a result of building a channel tunnel. Ireland becomes an independent republic. Gibraltar becomes a French protectorate, and Dover and the Channel Islands become part of France. |
Full Text | 1888 A., F. “The Seizure of the Channel Tunnel: A Tale of the Twentieth Century.” Time: A Monthly Miscellany of Interesting and Amusing Literature 7.37 (April 1882): 91-121. The dystopia brought about by the defeat of Britain by France as a result of building a channel tunnel. Ireland becomes an independent republic. Gibraltar becomes a French protectorate, and Dover and the Channel Islands become part of France. |