“The Twilight Years”

Title“The Twilight Years”
Year for Search1955
AuthorsDrussaï, Kirk(1919-2001), and Drussaï, Garen(1916-2009)
Secondary TitleIf
Volume / Edition5.4
Pagination80-85, 117
Date PublishedJune 1955
KeywordsFemale author, Male author, US author

The story takes place in a future where those over sixty are being killed by the young with such killings broadcast on television on a program “sponsored, as a Public Service, by the National Casket Company” (117). 

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in The First World of If. Ed. James L. Quinn and Eva Wulff (Kingston, NY: Quinn Publishing Co., 1957): 102-. 


Illus. Ed Emsh[willer]

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Kirk (1919-2001) Garen (1916-2009)

Full Text

1955 Drussaï, Kirk (1919-2001) and Garen Drussaï (1916-2009). “The Twilight Years.” Illus. Ed Emsh[willer]. If 5.4 (June 1955): 80-85, 117. Rpt. in The First World of If. Ed. James L. Quinn and Eva Wulff (Kingston, NY: Quinn Publishing Co., 1957): 102-. PSt

The story takes place in a future where those over sixty are being killed by the young with such killings broadcast on television on a program “sponsored, as a Public Service, by the National Casket Company” (117). Female co-author.