“The Visit of Elidorus to the Fairy Kingdom Beneath the Bay”

Title“The Visit of Elidorus to the Fairy Kingdom Beneath the Bay”
Year for Search1875
AuthorsDavies, R[obert] Rice
Tertiary AuthorsDavies, R. Rice
Secondary TitleThe Cambrian Sketch-Book. Tales, Scenes, and Legends of Wild Wales
Date Published[1875]
PublisherSimpkin, Marshall/The Cambrian Welsh and English Book Publishing Co.
Place PublishedLondon/Swansea, Wales
KeywordsMale author, Welsh author

The fairy kingdom is described as a eutopia with good food and health and without crime, deceit, or any of the problems of humans.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Welsh author

Full Text

[1875] Davies, R[obert] Rice. “The Visit of Elidorus to the Fairy Kingdom Beneath the Bay.” In his The Cambrian Sketch-Book. Tales, Scenes, and Legends of Wild Wales (London: Simpkin, Marshall/Swansea, Wales: The Cambrian Welsh and English Book Publishing Co., 1875), 267-315. Hathi

The fairy kingdom is described as a eutopia with good food and health and without crime, deceit, or any of the problems of humans. Welsh author.