“1968: A ShortSpan Snackfood. Valid for Year 7 Student Use. Calories: 231”

Title“1968: A ShortSpan Snackfood. Valid for Year 7 Student Use. Calories: 231”
Year for Search2008
AuthorsRobson, Justina [Louise Alice](b. 1968)
Secondary AuthorsRoyle, Nicholas
Secondary Title’68: New Stories from Children of the Revolution
Date Published2008
Place PublishedCambridge, Eng.
KeywordsEnglish author, Female author

A “eutopia” where one can take pills to learn or have the information slowly entered into a persons brain. All the information is validated as accurate.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Female author (b. 1968).

Full Text

2008 Robson, Justina [Louise Alice] (b. 1968). “1968: A ShortSpan Snackfood. Valid for Year 7 Student Use. Calories: 231.” In ’68: New Stories from Children of the Revolution. Ed. Nicholas Royle (Cambridge, Eng.: Salt, 2008), 20-32. CtY

A “eutopia” where one can take pills to learn or have the information slowly entered into a persons brain. All the information is validated as accurate. Female author.