Title | “Afrinewsia” |
Year for Search | 2015 |
Authors | Dezele, Yazeed(b. 1991) |
Secondary Title | Omenena Speculative Fiction Magazine |
Volume / Edition | no. 2 |
Pagination | EJournal |
Date Published | March 2015 |
Keywords | Male author, Nigerian author |
Annotation | Climate change dystopia in which the Green Police send all criminals to the Sahara to work on restoration projects. People are paid to euthanize the elderly, who are called organic waste elements. But United Africa is also the center of economic and technological development. Afrinewsia is the government propaganda news page. |
URL | https://omenana.com/2015/03/05/afrinewsia/ |
Illustration | Illus. |
Holding Institutions | EJournal |
Author Note | Nigerian author (b. 1991) |
Full Text | 2015 Dezele, Yazeed (b. 1991). “Afrinewsia.” Illus. Omenena Speculative Fiction Magazine, no. 2 (March 2015). https://omenana.com/2015/03/05/afrinewsia/ Climate change dystopia in which the Green Police send all criminals to the Sahara to work on restoration projects. People are paid to euthanize the elderly, who are called organic waste elements. But United Africa is also the center of economic and technological development. Afrinewsia is the government propaganda news page. Nigerian author. |