“Bright Sarasota Where the Circus Lies Dying”

Title“Bright Sarasota Where the Circus Lies Dying”
Year for Search2018
AuthorsSallis, James(b. 1944)
Tertiary AuthorsVan Gelder, Gordon(b. 1966)
Secondary TitleWelcome to Dystopia: Forty-five Visions of What Lies Ahead
Date Published2018
PublisherO/R Books
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsMale author, US author

Dystopia in which people are taken from their homes and placed in camps.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

(b. 1944)

Full Text

2018 Sallis, James (b. 1944). “Bright Sarasota Where the Circus Lies Dying.” Welcome to Dystopia: Forty-five Visions of What Lies Ahead. Ed. Gordon Van Gelder (New York: O/R Books, 2018), 269-71. PSt

Dystopia in which people are taken from their homes and placed in camps.