“Champions of Water War”

Title“Champions of Water War”
Year for Search2020
AuthorsBangs, Elly(b. 1986)
Secondary AuthorsRing, Dave
Secondary TitleGlitter + Ashes: Queer Tales of a World that Wouldn’t Die
Date Published2020
PublisherNeon Hemlock Press
Place Published[Washington, DC]
ISBN Number978-1-952086-10-6
KeywordsFemale author, Queer author, Transgender author, US author

The story is set in a future in which water is controlled by one man who distributes to parts of the city based on competitions among champions of each sector. 

Holding Institutions


Author Note

The author (b. 1986) self-describes as a queer transgender woman who was raised in a “New Age cult.”

Full Text

2020 Bangs, Elly (b. 1986). “Champions of Water War.” Glitter + Ashes: Queer Tales of a World that Wouldn’t Die. Ed. Dave Ring ([Washington, DC]: Neon Hemlock Press, 2020), 59-68. PSt

The story is set in a future in which water is controlled by one man who distributes to parts of the city based on competitions among champions of each sector. The author self-describes as a queer transgender woman who was raised in a “New Age cult.”