“'Clippers': Measuring the slow but steady whitening of public life”

Title“'Clippers': Measuring the slow but steady whitening of public life”
Year for Search2017
AuthorsCauley, Kashana
Secondary AuthorsWinters, Ben[jamin Allen] H.(b. 1976)
Secondary TitleSlate Magazine as part of its Trump Story Project. https://slate.com/tag/trump-story-project
Date PublishedFebruary 27, 2017
KeywordsAfrican American author, Female author

The story is about a man trying to pass as white after the Trump administration had outlawed voting by blacks. 


Illus. Lisa Larson-Walker

Author Note

African American female author

Full Text

2017 Cauley, Kashana.“'Clippers': Measuring the slow but steady whitening of public life.” Illus. Lisa Larson-Walker. Slate  Magazine as part of its Trump Story Project. https://slate.com/tag/trump-story-project. Ed. Ben Winters (February 27, 2017). https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2017/02/kashana-cauleys-clippers-in-slates-trump-story-project.html

The story is about a man trying to pass as white after the Trump administration had outlawed voting by blacks. African American female author.