“Crapulia: or, The Region of Cropsicks”

Title“Crapulia: or, The Region of Cropsicks”
Year for Search1732
AuthorsKing, William(1663-1712)
Secondary TitleRemains of the Late Learned and Ingenious Dr. William King, Some Time, Advocate of Doctors Commons, Vicar-General to the Archbishop of Armagh, and Record-Keeper of Ireland. Containing Miscellaneous Pieces in Verse and Prose, upon various Subjects; with Reflections, Observations, and Critical Remarks upon Men and Books: With a particular Critick upon a Favourite Ministry; prticulaly, that of Rufinus, Favourite of the Emperor Theodossius, and his Character rendered into Verse from Claudian; together wiith the Author’s Life and Writings
Pagination[Part 2] 27-43
Date Published1732
PublisherPtd. for W. Mears
Place PublishedLondon
KeywordsEnglish author, Male author

Satire similar to Joseph Hall, Mundus Alter et Idem (1605), specifically the section on gluttony.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in Posthumous Works of the late Learned William King, L.L.D. in Verse and Prose. Published from his Original Manuscripts. Purchased of his Sister, by Joseph Brownr, M.D. To which is Prefixed, An Account of his Life and Writings, with a True Copy of his Last Will and Testament made by himself the Night before he Died [Published in two separately paged parts] (London: Ptd. for Edmund Curll, 1734), [Part 2], 27-43; and with the subtitle “A Fragment, in the Manner of Rabelais.” In The Original Works of William King, LL.D. Advocate of Doctors Commons; Judge of the High Court of Admiralty and Keeper of the Records in Ireland, and Vicar General to the Lord Primate. Now First Collected Into Three Volumes: With Historical Notes, and Memoirs of the Author (London: Ptd. for the Editor, 1776), 3: 278-87. Rpt. (Westmead, Farnborough, Eng: Gregg International, 1972), 3: 278-87.

Holding Institutions


Author Note


Full Text

1732 King, William (1663-1712). “Crapulia: or, The Region of Cropsicks” Remains of the Late Learned and Ingenious Dr. William King, Some Time, Advocate of Doctors Commons, Vicar-General to the Archbishop of Armagh, and Record-Keeper of Ireland. Containing Miscellaneous Pieces in Verse and Prose, upon various Subjects; with Reflections, Observations, and Critical Remarks upon Men and Books: With a particular Critick upon a Favourite Ministry; particularly, that of Rufinus, Favourite of the Emperor Theodossius, and his Character rendered into Verse from Claudian; together with the Author’s Life and Writings. [Published in two separately paged parts] (London: Ptd. for W. Mears, 1732); [Part 2], 27-43. Rpt. in Posthumous Works of the late Learned William King, L.L.D. in Verse and Prose. Published from his Original Manuscripts. Purchased of his Sister, by Joseph Browne, M.D. To which is Prefixed, An Account of his Life and Writings, with a True Copy of his Last Will and Testament made by himself the Night before he Died [Published in two separately paged parts] (London: Ptd. for Edmund Curll, 1734), [Part 2], 27-43; and with the subtitle “A Fragment, in the Manner of Rabelais.” In The Original Works of William King, LL.D. Advocate of Doctors Commons; Judge of the High Court of Admiralty and Keeper of the Records in Ireland, and Vicar General to the Lord Primate. Now First Collected Into Three Volumes: With Historical Notes, and Memoirs of the Author (London: Ptd. for the Editor, 1776), 3: 278-87. Rpt. (Westmead, Farnborough, Eng: Gregg International, 1972), 3: 278-87. 

Satire similar to Joseph Hall, Mundus Alter et Idem (1605), specifically the section on gluttony.