“Degas’ Ballerinas”

Title“Degas’ Ballerinas”
Year for Search2017
AuthorsGoodreid, Leslie
Secondary AuthorsMeyer, Bruce
Secondary TitleCli-fi: Canadian Tales of Climate Change
Date Published2017
PublisherExile Editions
Place PublishedHolstein, ON, Canada
KeywordsCanadian author, Female author

Climate-change dystopia. The story is set in Toronto, which, even though the border with the U.S. is now closed, is flooded with U.S. climate refugees. Nothing grows in the U.S. All birds have died. Malarial mosquitos are common in Canada. People are starving, and corruption is common. 

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Canadian female author

Full Text

2017 Goodreid, Leslie. “Degas’ Ballerinas.” Cli-fi: Canadian Tales of Climate Change. Ed. Bruce Meyer (Holstein, ON, Canada: Exile Editions, 2017), 90-106. PU

Climate-change dystopia. The story is set in Toronto, which, even though the border with the U.S. is now closed, is flooded with U.S. climate refugees. Nothing grows in the U.S. All birds have died. Malarial mosquitos are common in Canada. People are starving, and corruption is common. Canadian female author.