“Degrees of Freedom"

Title“Degrees of Freedom"
Year for Search2014
AuthorsSchroeder, Karl(b. 1962)
Secondary AuthorsFinn, Ed, and Cramer, Kathryn
Secondary TitleHieroglyph: Stories and Visions for a Better Society
Date Published2014
PublisherWilliam Morrow
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsCanadian author, Male author

The story focuses on the control of or access to new tools for understanding demographics and their use politically. In the story, set in the near future, the Canadian government has restricted access to most tools so as to be able to ensure its reelection, but some indigenous communities gain access to them and force the government to become more open. At the end, there is a suggestion that a freer society will result.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Canadian author (b. 1962).

Full Text

2014 Schroeder, Karl (b. 1962). “Degrees of Freedom.” Hieroglyph: Stories and Visions for a Better Society. Ed. Ed Finn and Kathryn Cramer (New York: William Morrow, 2014), 206-42. PPU

The story focuses on the control of or access to new tools for understanding demographics and their use politically. In the story, set in the near future, the Canadian government has restricted access to most tools so as to be able to ensure its reelection, but some indigenous communities gain access to them and force the government to become more open. At the end, there is a suggestion that a freer society will result. Canadian author.