Title | “Delight®” |
Year for Search | 2016 |
Authors | Hyde, Allegra |
Secondary Title | Black Warrior Review |
Volume / Edition | 42.2 |
Pagination | 125-29 |
Date Published | Spring/Summer 2016 |
Keywords | Female author, US author |
Annotation | Satire on planned communities. In this one absolutely everything is trademarked and is supposedly the ideal 1950s community. At the end, it seals itself off from the rest of the world. |
Additional Publishers | Rpt. in her Of This New World (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2016), 104-09. The collection won the John Simmons Short Fiction Award. |
Holding Institutions | NNU, PSt |
Author Note | Female author. |
Full Text | 2016 Hyde, Allegra. “Delight®.” Black Warrior Review 42.2 (Spring/Summer 2016), 125-29. Rpt. in her Of This New World (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2016), 104-09. The collection won the John Simmons Short Fiction Award. NNU, PSt Satire on planned communities. In this one absolutely everything is trademarked and is supposedly the ideal 1950s community. At the end, it seals itself off from the rest of the world. Female author. |