“Don’t Speak; Don’t Listen”

Title“Don’t Speak; Don’t Listen”
Year for Search2017
AuthorsJohe, Serena
Secondary TitleShoreline of Infinity
Volume / Editionno. 10
Date PublishedWinter 2017/18
ISSN Number2059-2590
KeywordsFemale author, US author

The story is set in a future where, to counter verbal abuse, people are fitted with a device that keeps them from insulting another person, which has unexpected consequences. 


Illus. Sara Julia. 

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Female author

Full Text

2017/18 Johe, Serena. “Don’t Speak; Don’t Listen.” Illus. Sara Julia. Shoreline of Infinity, no. 10 (Winter 2017/18): 72-85. PSt

The story is set in a future where, to counter verbal abuse, people are fitted with a device that keeps them from insulting another person, which has unexpected consequences. Female author.