“Earth, Fire, Air, Water”

Title“Earth, Fire, Air, Water”
Year for Search2022
AuthorsHerbstein, Manu(b. 1936)
Secondary TitleOmenana Speculative Fiction Magazine
Volume / Editionno. 22
Date PublishedJuly 2022
KeywordsGhanaian author, Male author, South African author

The story is set in South Africa when nuclear bombs are set off all over Europe and on various islands bringing radioactive fallout and causing huge tsunamis to hit South Africa. The story is told as a series of lectures given sixty years later by a man who had been a young boy at the time. The story ends foreshadowing the final lecture which will discuss the eutopia that has been created. 


Illus. Amina Aileru

Author Note

The author (b. 1936) was born and raised in South Africa, lives in Ghana, and is a citizen of both countries. In the 1960s he worked as a civil and structural engineer in England, Nigeria, Ghana, India, Zambia and Scotland. He began to write as he approached retirement.

Full Text

2022 Herbstein, Manu (b. 1936). “Earth, Fire, Air, Water.” Illus. Amina Aileru. Omenana Speculative Fiction Magazine, no. 22 (July 2022): 88-99. https://omenana.com/2022/07/03/earth-fire-air-water-manu-herbstein/

The story is set in South Africa when nuclear bombs are set off all over Europe and on various islands bringing radioactive fallout and causing huge tsunamis to hit South Africa. The story is told as a series of lectures given sixty years later by a man who had been a young boy at the time. The story ends foreshadowing the final lecture which will discuss the eutopia that has been created. The author was born and raised in South Africa, lives in Ghana, and is a citizen of both countries. In the 1960s he worked as a civil and structural engineer in England, Nigeria, Ghana, India, Zambia and Scotland. He began to write as he approached retirement.