“Foundling on Venus”

Title“Foundling on Venus”
Year for Search1954
Authorsde Courcy, Dorothy, and de Courcy, John
Secondary TitleFantastic Universe
Volume / Edition1.5
PaginationMarch 1954
Date Published66-73
ISBN Number9780712353564
KeywordsFemale author, Male author

The story is set on a Venus that is divided into four sections, one of “Negroes,” one of Asians, one a Martian prison camp, and one of people from Earth trying, and usually failing, to strike in rich from Venus’s minerals. Everyone is miserable, everything is filthy, and most people are violent and short-lived.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in Born of the Sun: Adventures in Our Solar System. Ed. Mike Ashley (London: British Library, 2020), 97-107, with an introduction to Venus on 88-95.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Female co-author

Full Text

1954 de Courcy, Dorothy and John de Courcy. “Foundling on Venus.” Fantastic Universe 1.5 (March 1954): 66-73. Rpt. in Born of the Sun: Adventures in Our Solar System. Ed. Mike Ashley (London: British Library, 2020), 97-107, with an introduction to Venus on 88-95. PSt

The story is set on a Venus that is divided into four sections, one of “Negroes,” one of Asians, one a Martian prison camp, and one of people from Earth trying, and usually failing, to strike in rich from Venus’s minerals. Everyone is miserable, everything is filthy, and most people are violent and short-lived. Female co-author