“Friends Beyond the Mountains”

Title“Friends Beyond the Mountains”
Year for Search2023
AuthorsHoma, Ava
Secondary AuthorsCasagrande, Orsola, and Gündoğdu, Mustafa
Secondary TitleKurdistan + 100: Stories from a Future Republic
Date Published2023
PublisherComma Press
Place Published[Machester, Eng.]
ISBN Number978-1-91269-736-6
KeywordsCanadian author, Female author, Kurdish author, US author

The story is set in a future where the Kurds are celebrating 100 days of an independent Kurdish Republic when Iranian forces attack, intending to destroy it.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

The Kurdish female author was born in the Kurdish region of Iran, lived for some years in Canada, and currently teaches creative writing at California State University, Monterey Bay.

Full Text

2023 Homa, Ava. “Friends Beyond the Mountains.” Kurdistan + 100: Stories from a Future Republic. Ed. Orsola Casagrande and Mustafa Gündoğdu ([Manchester, Eng.]: Comma Press, 2023), 51-72. PSt

The story is set in a future where the Kurds are celebrating 100 days of an independent Kurdish Republic when Iranian forces attack, intending to destroy it. The Kurdish female author was born in the Kurdish region of Iran, lived for some years in Canada, and currently teaches creative writing at California State University, Monterey Bay.