Title | “GAC ATG ATT ACA” |
Year for Search | 2019 |
Authors | Harding-Shaw, Melanie |
Secondary Title | Little Blue Marble |
Pagination | EJournal |
Date Published | December 19, 2019 |
ISBN Number | 978-1-988293-08-0 978-0-473-57089-7 |
Keywords | Aotearoa New Zealand author, Female author |
Annotation | Brief story with people living underground for generations and trying to keep the gene pool large enough. |
Additional Publishers | Rpt. without the illus. in Little Blue Marble 2019: Climate in Crisis. Ed. Katrina Archer (Vancouver, BC, Canada: Ganache Media Books, 2020), 168-70; and in the author’s Alt-Ernate: A Collection of 37 Stories (Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand: Author, 2021), 118-21. |
URL | https://littlebluemarble.ca/2019/12/13/gac-atg-att-aca/ |
Illustration | Illus. |
Holding Institutions | PSt |
Author Note | Aotearoa/New Zealand female author |
Full Text | 2019 Harding-Shaw, Melanie. “GAC ATG ATT ACA.” Illus. Little Blue Marble (December 13, 2019). https://littlebluemarble.ca/2019/12/13/gac-atg-att-aca/ Rpt. without the illus. in Little Blue Marble 2019: Climate in Crisis. Ed. Katrina Archer (Vancouver, BC, Canada: Ganache Media Books, 2020), 168-70; and in the author’s Alt-Ernate: A Collection of 37 Stories (Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand: Author, 2021), 118-21. Brief story with people living underground for generations and trying to keep the gene pool large enough. Aotearoa/New Zealand female author. |