“Garbo on the Skids”

Title“Garbo on the Skids”
Year for Search2021
AuthorsLombardo, A. G
Secondary AuthorsHamilton, Denise
Secondary TitleSpeculative Los Angeles
Date Published2021
PublisherAkashic Books
Place PublishedBrooklyn, NY
ISBN Number9781617758645
KeywordsMale author, US author

The Skids are an area of downtown Los Angeles that has been walled off to contain the poor, homeless, addicts, and petty criminals.

Holding Institutions


Full Text

2021 Lombardo, A. G. “Garbo on the Skids.” Speculative Los Angeles. Ed. Denise Hamilton (Brooklyn, NY: Akashic Books, 2021), 259-82. PU

The Skids are an area of downtown Los Angeles that has been walled off to contain the poor, homeless, addicts, and petty criminals.