“Good Citizens”

Title“Good Citizens”
Year for Search2017
AuthorsHammond, Paula
Secondary AuthorsRadford, Phyllis Irene(b. 1950), and Brown, Bob
Secondary TitleAlternative Truths
Date Published2017
PublisherB Cubed Press
Place PublishedBenton City, WA
KeywordsEnglish author, Female author

Dystopia in which the presidency of Donald Trump (b. 1946) becomes a monarchy that uses nuclear weapons on Iran and Mexico and is at war with China. Any one not of white, multi-generational U.S. ancestry loses their citizenship, as do gays, Jews, Muslims. Some people had escaped, many were killed. The female author has published many non-fiction books for children, mostly on scientific subjects.

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Author Note

Female author

Full Text

2017 Hammond, Paula. “Good Citizens.” Alternative Truths. Ed. Phyllis Irene Radford and Bob Brown (Benton City, WA: B. Cubed Press, 2017), 91-95. PSt

Dystopia in which the presidency of Donald Trump (b. 1946) becomes a monarchy that uses nuclear weapons on Iran and Mexico and is at war with China. Any one not of white, multi-generational U.S. ancestry loses their citizenship, as do gays, Jews, Muslims. Some people had escaped, many were killed. The female author has published many non-fiction books for children, mostly on scientific subjects. Female author.