“History Repeating”

Title“History Repeating”
Year for Search2022
AuthorsFuller, Lisa
Secondary AuthorsIsmail, Rafeif, and van Neerven, Ellen(b. 1990)
Secondary TitleUnlimited Futures: Speculative, Visionary Blak and Black Fiction
Date Published2022
PublisherFremantle Press in association with Djed Press
Place PublishedNorth Fremantle, WA, Australia
ISBN Number978-1-760990701
KeywordsAboriginal author, Australian author, Female author

In a future Australia, Aboriginal children are taken from their families by force and put on a spaceship and sent off Earth, a space age version of what was actually done in Australia.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

The Aboriginal (Wulli Wulli also descended from Wakka Wakka and Gooring Gooring peoples) female author is the author of Ghost Bird (2019).

Full Text

2022 Fuller, Lisa. “History Repeating.” Unlimited Futures: Speculative, Visionary Blak and Black Fiction. Ed. Rafeif Ismail and Ellen van Neerven (North Fremantle, WA, Australia: Fremantle Press in association with Djed Press, 2022), 198-210. PSt

In a future Australia, Aboriginal children are taken from their families by force and put on a spaceship and sent off Earth, a space age version of what was actually done in Australia. The Aboriginal (Wulli Wulli also descended from Wakka Wakka and Gooring Gooring peoples) female author is the author of Ghost Bird (2019).